About this Site


Most of the information on this site, and in particular in the book, are from various sources. I have concentrated on collating the information into appropriate chapters and generating useful indexes. Credits and sources of information are listed at the end of each chapter.

Most of the photographs have been supplied by Knox Historical Society. High quality copies are available from the Society at a low cost.


You are free to print and distribute any information on this site on a non-profit basis, subject to the conditions outlined in the next two paragraphs.

Parts of the textual information on this site are copyright. Parts have been extracted from other publications. You must check the source before you reproduce anything for profit.

Most photographs and maps are used with permission from other sources and you must obtain permission from these other sources before you can reproduce them for profit. The sources are quoted under each photograph or map.


If you find any grammatical, spelling or historical errors, have any useful information or photographs, I would appreciate your feedback via the e-mail or normal mail addresses given below.

How to contact me

You can contact me by e-mail at the address shown on the www.coxhill.com opening page

Happy Reading

Rick Coxhill.

Last Updated: August 2024