The Book

Fire on the Hill, Flowers in the Valley. History of The Basin

The book consists of 18 chapters and 420 pages. Size 8 x 10.88 inches or 276 x 203 mm. It includes an extensive index.

PDF book

Click here to download the book (as at 01/07/2024) in PDF format (50 Mb). The PDF version does not include front and back covers.

The PDF version as at July 2024 has all the errata detailed below fixed, numerous other additions added and many grammatical errors fixed.

If you open a printed book you see left and right pages side by side. The PDF file is configured to display in this format. Dependent on what you use to view the PDF file, you may not see facing pages. However, most viewers can be configured to show facing pages. Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) works best. Chapters are hyperlinked in the PDF file.

Printed book

As at 7th July 2023, a printed version of the book is available from Rainy Day Books located at The Basin shopping centre. Cost is $30. I do not offer online purchases.

Printed Book Errata

Page 38
First column, children list. Madeline birth date should be 1869 not 1969.

Page 140
Second column, line 5. Should be ...In 2023,...

Page 338
Year 1937. Old Forest Road should be Old Forest Road (now Wicks Road).

Pages 341 & 342
Years 1975 & 1982. The oak tree is on Sheffield Road not Doongalla Road.

Page 345
Year 2016. Old Forest Road should be Forest Road.

Page 337
Year 1888. Richard and William Murphy granted titles to Crown allotments 89 (Vol 2014 Fol 602) and 88 (Vol 2022 Fol 333) respectively.

Page 352
First column, item 11. became is repeated.

Page 354
Item 66. Replace with:
Site of old quarry first established by John Yeadon and later purchased by The Shire of Fern Tree Gully. The location can be easily pinpointed as the roadside margin has a peculiar bend around the site. It was used as a source of stone for local roads. Not used after about 1935.

Various Places
Doongalla Pony Club should be Doongala.
Yeardon should be Yeadon.

Last Updated July 2024