A Snake - But Not In The
Reg and Henry Benns got a job one Saturday at Henry's grandparents house, just
off Alexander Ave near the football ground in thick bush. They had to help
Henry's grandpa pull all the furniture out of the house. The old Benns
connections were bushies from way back and although they had doors, very often
they never worried about closing them. That is until one-day grandpa came home
for lunch and walking around the veranda came face to face with a big black
snake. The trouble was that the snake was on the window ledge on the inside of
the lounge. They eyeballed each other until Mr. Benns ran around the veranda and
into the lounge but the snake had disappeared. He and Mrs. Benns looked
everywhere but no snake. So Mrs. Benns organised Reg and Henry to help. They
took all the furniture out but no snake. He might have gone out the front door
so they didn't worry much. But a week later Mr. Benns came home for lunch and
there was their uninvited visitor sunning himself on the inside 0f the window
ledge again. A big clear out of furniture again but nothing. They were finding
it a bit creepy sitting in the lounge at night knowing they weren't alone. The
snake was seen on and off for about six weeks. Then he must have left because he
was never sighted again much to the Benns relief. But they did learn to close
their doors.
On a tea break at the Benns place, Mr. Benn was telling Reg and Henry about the
fox cub he had found when he was out rabbiting with his two dogs. He knew that
foxes were a smart animal so he decided to take it home and raise it with his
dogs. After twelve months, Mr. Fox was quite a pet and like the dogs would come
at a call. The dogs and Mr. Fox had their own kennels. They were chained up most
of the time unless Mr. Benns was home to watch them because hunting dogs tended
to stray a bit. Also, Mr. Benns had prize chooks that roamed around the house
and of course, the two didn't mix. The chooks were quite clever. They would feed
right up to the furtherest extension of the dogs and foxes chain so the dogs
would charge out of their kennels and cone to a halt half an inch from chewing
up a prized chook. Unconcerned, they would peck around, just out of reach. It
was about twelve months after getting Mr. Fox that some prized chooks started to
disappear. Mr. Benns knew it couldn't be the new addition (Mr. Fox) because he
was always chained up. One hot afternoon Mr. Benns came home early and decided
to have a beer in the backyard under a big tree. From where he was sitting, he
could see the kennels but the dogs and Mr. Fox could not see him. The chooks
walked past the kennels very slowly, pecking away. The dogs bounded out of their
kennels but as usual missed by the width of a bee’s antenna. Mr. Fox though
could only get halfway of the full length of his chain. He strained and choked
and jumped around but could not get any further. The chooks fed closer and
closer until they were within and inch or two of the straining fox. Then quick
as a flash Mr. Fox bounded out to the full length of hid chain and had himself a
prized chook for dinner. I reckon the chook didn't have a prize brain did he?
But Mr. Fox certainly did, he ate every bit of the chook, feathers and all, so
no evidence.