Below is a list of all the ExTRLers and current TRLers who attended the ExTRLers Christmas Gathering 2004. I identified them at the function and from the photographs. Unfortunately, I could not remember all names and have missed some so I need the help of others who attended to complete the list. Contact me via the xTRLTechos mailing list.
Rick Coxhill
Bob Backway
John Baldock
Steve Beyer
Brian Booth
Rob Bryant
Dan Cherchi
Mike Crarey
Rick Coxhill
Rob David
Drew Diamond
Eric Dodge
Sam Dovile
Ian Dresser
Brendan Edwards
Peter Ellis
John Emptage
Ed Fall
Howard Fegent
Dick Francis
Ross Garner
Fred Gigliotti
Geoff Goode
Peter Gywnn
Dave Hardwick
Bob Harvey
Peter Hicks
Steve Hurren
Robin Jackel
Phil Jackson
Kathy Kingston
John Kelly
Peter Latoszynski
Trevor Long
Graham Lucas
Jim Lucas
Adrian Lynch
Adrian Martinus
Peter Meggs
Jeff Mitchell
Simon Michnowicz
Lyn Moore
Bruce Ratcliff
Shane Richardson
Burnie Sanders
John Sekfy
Bernie Smith
John Stevens
Evelyn Swenson
Mike Subocz
Barry Thomas
Eddie Trueman
Noel Wolstencroft