History of the Telstra Research Laboratories


Australian and Overseas Publications

Laboratories staff regularly contributed articles to Australian and overseas professional and technical journals as well as presenting papers to learned societies. They also contributed as editors for many journals. Some publications contain references to the Research Laboratories in articles, investigations and equipment designed and built by the Laboratories. Search for “Research” or “Laboratories” in the files.

Other publications include Technical Training, Instruction, Policy, and Information Documents produced by the Postmaster Generals Department (PMG), Australian Post Office (APO) and Telecom Australia. Other miscellaneous and overseas publications.

Most publications referenced below have been scanned using sophisticated optical character recognition (OCR) software and saved as Adobe Acrobat PDF searchable image files. The following OCR limitations and other issues apply:

·         Most text has been faithfully recognised, is searchable and can be selected and copied.

·         Tables are recognised by the OCR software but not reproduced as tables in the PDF file.

·         On rare occasions, columns are not recognised so text flows directly across the page. However, whenever this is observed during scanning, it is manually fixed.

·         Hyphenated words have a space inserted at the hyphenation point.

·         Images are well recognised but not de-screened. They can be extracted with a suitable PDF reader (e.g., IrfanView).

·         Equations are recognised as part image and part text.

·         Blank pages and “Notes” pages have been removed. In some instances, this may create skips in page numbering.

·         Due to ageing, the paper on some early edition pages has developed a brown tinge on the edges or over the whole page and this is reproduced on the digital copy.

·         Some pages show part of an adjacent page because of difficulty positioning an opened book on a flatbed scanner.

File sizes vary from 5 Mbytes to 26 Mbytes.

Thanks to Alan Hampel (AH), Simon Moorhead, Barry Young, Steve Beyer, Colin Pask (CP), Ron Lukin (RL) and others for various documents. Two letters at the listed name end denote who I obtained the document from. No letters mean I do not know or cannot remember.

The Telecommunications Journal of Australia 1935 (first edition) to 1987
First produced by The Postal Electrical Society of Victoria. Later known as The Telecommunication Society of Australia (TelSoc). Downloads of any TJA journals and the articles therein are for private use.  Request for republication of the articles should be addressed to the Secretary, TelSoc.

Volume No

Issue No 1

Issue No 2

Issue No 3

Issue No 4

Issue No 5

Issue No 6


June 1935

Dec 1935

June 1936

Dec 1936

June 1937

Dec 1937


June 1938

Oct 1938

Feb 1939

June 1939

Oct 1939

Feb 1940


June 1940

Oct 1940

Feb 1941

June 1941

Oct 1941

Feb 1942


June 1942

Oct 1942

Feb 1943

June 1943

Oct 1943

Feb 1944


June 1944

Oct 1944

Feb 1945

June 1945

Oct 1945

Feb 1946


June 1946

Oct 1946

Feb 1947

June 1947

Oct 1947

Feb 1948

Index Vol 1 to Vol 6


June 1948

Oct 1948

Feb 1949

June 1949

Oct 1949

Feb 1950


June 1950

Oct 1950

Feb 1951

June 1951

Oct 1951

Feb 1952


June 1952

Oct 1952

Feb 1953

June 1953

Oct 1953

Feb 1954


June 1954

Oct 1954

Feb 1955

June 1956

Oct 1956

Feb 1957


June 1957

Oct 1957

Feb 1958

June 1958

Oct 1958

Feb 1959


June 1959

Oct 1959

Feb 1960

June 1960

Oct 1960

Feb 1961

Index Vol 7 to Vol 12


June 1961

Oct 1961

Feb 1962

June 1962

Oct 1962

Feb 1963


June 1963

Oct 1963

Feb 1964

June 1964

Oct 1964

Oct 1964


Feb 1965

June 1965

Oct 1965


Feb 1966

June 1966

Oct 1966


Feb 1967

June 1967

Oct 1967


Feb 1968

June 1968

Oct 1968


Feb 1969

June 1969

Oct 1969


Feb 1970

June 1970

Oct 1970


Feb 1971

June 1971

Oct 1971


Feb 1972

June 1972

Oct 1972


Feb 1973

June 1973

Oct 1973





























Index Vol 21 to Vol 30






























Australian Telecommunication Research
Vol 7 No 3, 1973
Vol 11 No 1 1977
Vol 11 No 2 1977
Vol 11 No 3 1977
Vol 12 No 2 1978
Vol 13 No 1 1979
Vol 15 No 2 1981
Vol 16 No 3 1982
Vol 17 No 1 1983
Vol 17 No 2 1983
Vol 18 No 1 1984
Vol 18 No 2 1984
Vol 19 No 1 1985
Vol 19 No 2 1985

Telecom News (CP)
No 33. August 1978
No 34. September 1978
No 36. November1978
No 37. December 1978
No 38. February 1979
No 39. March 1979
No 40. April 1979
No 41. May 1979
No 43. July 1979
No 46. October 1979
No 48. December 1979
No 52. May 1980
No 53. June 1980
No 56. September 1980
No 68. October 1981
No 70. December 1981
No 88. August 1983
Telecom News. No 140 June 1988
Telecom News. Special Change Issue. 1988

Model 15 Teletype and Teletype Information
Various information supplied by Ron Lukin.
Model 15 Service Manual
Model 15 Technical Description. Paper from Telegraphy 1
Photos of the Model 15 in various stages of dismantling
Queensland Telecommunications Museum. Teletype Memorabilia
Wikipedia Information on Teletypes
History of Telegraphy from the Teletype Museum
Teletype Model 15 Page Printer. Information from baudot.net
Model 15 Teletype. Information from rtty.com
MODEL 15-KSR Information. From Gil Smith

Miscellaneous Australian Publications
Includes promotional, historical, catalogues, training, and installation documents
PMG. Intercommunication Telephones Types A5 & A10. Drawings.1933
Modern Developments in Design and Construction of Filters 1936
The Voice Frequency Carrier Telegraph System 1936
Teleprinters and Their Operation 1937
Underground Cables for Trunk Telephone Lines 1937
Copper-Oxide Rectifiers in Telephone Circuits 1937
Radiotron Designers Handbook 1953 This publication was copied from a free site and modified to be searchable, deskewed, cleaned of bookmarks embedded files and thumbnails. Black edges have been removed from all pages. The PDF compressed file is 46 Mbytes.
Crossbar Telephone Exchanges. 1964 CP
APO Spec 1071. Issue 1. PABX Equipment Supply & Installation. 1966
Transmission Measurements: An Introduction to Fundamentals for Australian Post Office Technicians 1967
Telephonist In Training Manual. 1968 CP
The Journal of The Institution of Engineers Australia Jubilee Issue 1919 - 1969
The Australian Post Office. History at a Glance. c1970
Your Telephone Voice and Personality. c1970 CP
Telephonist in Training Manual. 1970 CP
Are you a Telephone Saint or Sinner. c1970 CP
This Business of Communication. c1970 CP
Your Voice is your Livelihood. c1970 CP
Your Telephone Service. c1970 CP
Obtain The Greatest Value From Business Telephones. c1970 CP
How to use the Pentaconta P.A.B.X. 1970 CP
Certificate Course In Administration. Part 9. A.D.P. & Methods. 1970 CP
Automatic Telephony in the Australian network 1973How to Operate your Telecom Linefinder P.A.B.X. c1970 CP
Specification 1081 Issue 1. PABX Equipment Approval Testing. 1971
Specification 1080 Issue 2. PABX Design Objectives. 1971
Specification 1104. Audible Signals for Australian Telephone Network. 1971
Role of Technical Officers in the Australian Post Office. 1972
How to Use the Hitachi AX-2D P.A.B.X. c1975 CP
Telecom 2000. 1975 CP
TX 20 Teleprinter Operating Manual. 1977 CP
Management for Results. 1977
When a Customer Calls. 1978 CP
How to Use P.A.B.X. AKD741. 1978 CP
How to Make the Best Use of your 2.6 or 4.11 Intercom Telephone System. 1978 CP
How to Make the Most of the PressButton World of your 4.11 Intercom Telephone System. 1978 CP
Obtain The Greatest Value From Business Telephones. c1979 CP
Switching Tomorrow. Telecoms New Telephone Exchange System. 1979 CP
A Special Telecom Australia Report. How to Use the System. 1979 CP
A Special Telecom Australia Report. The Quiet Revolution. 1979 CP
The Future. 1979 CP
People Talking to People. 1979 CP
Telecom Australia - A Brief Portrait. 1979 CP
Selling Commanders in a Competitive Market. 1979 CP
Policy on Telecom Selling PABXs. 1979 CP
The Development of Telephone Exchanges in Australia. c1980 CP
Telephone Network Switching Operations 1980
Telecom Australia. Multicom Office Telephones. Brochure. c1980
History of Telephone Switching in Australia 1880 to 1980 CP
Telephone Services for those with Special Needs. 1981 CP
Trends in Telecommunications Technology and Techniques. 1981 CP
The Overland Telegraph Line 1981
Mechanical Aid Catalogue. 1982
Engineering Magazines 1982 – 1985 (Issues 1 to 10)
State Plan Implications Conference Engineering Department 1983
Telecom Computerphone. Executive Series. 1985 CP
The Telecom Dictionary. 1985 CP
Motor Vehicle Catalogue. 1985
Reshaping the Transport and Communication Government Business Enterprises. 1988 CP
Australian Telecommunication Services - A New Framework. 1988 CP
Telecom Paging Products. 1988 CP
Sales Kit. Telecom Paging. 1988 CP
Telecom Paging Network Coverage Booklet. 1988 CP
Telecom Mobilenet Products. 1988 CP
Mobilenet Pricing & Service Centers. 1988 CP
Sales Kit. Telecom Mobile Communication. 1988 CP
Telecom Messagebank. 1988 CP
Telecom. The Facts 1988-1989 CP
Telecom Mission Statement. 1989 CP
The Business Insider. 1991 CP
The Electronic Brochure. Flexi-Plans Module (Windows 3.1 Software not included). 1993 CP
The Telecom Catalogue. 1993 CP
The Pocket Guide to Telecom. 1994 CP

Engineering and Technical Training, Instruction, Installation, Policy, Information Documents and Books.
Produced by the Postmaster Generals Department (PMG), Australian Post Office (APO) and Telecom Australia.
Documents are listed in chronological order of the issue date if known. Many have been reissued and the original date of publication is unknown.
Some documents have a document number. If one existed, it is prepended to the listed document name.
Some files have been reissued with a different document number (e.g., Requirements for Trunk Circuits), but I have provided both documents.
The “ETP 0075 Electric Circuits. 1970” document has “Telecom Australia” and the “golf clubs” logo on the front page. However, Telecom Australia did not come into existence until 1975 so that is a mystery.

Technical Instructions, Training, and Installation

Can include papers, books, and book extracts.
Installation Procedure for Subscribers Telephone Facilities. 1933 CP
Adjustment of Dials and Replacement of Dial Parts. 1933 CP
Installation of Intercommunication Telephones Types A5 & A10. 1937 CP
Automatic Exchanges - Adjustment of Uniselectors and Bi-Motional Switches. 1940 CP
Engineering Workshop Practice. 1949 CP
Building Construction. c1950s CP
J 3010. G 4010. Terminating and Jumpering TDFs. c1950s CP
Telecommunication Practice. Basic Notes. c1950s CP
Relay Adjustment Part 1. 3000 Type Relays. c1950s CP
Relay Adjustments. 600 Type Relay. c1950s CP
Introduction to Telegraphy. c1950s CP
Building Construction Notes for Subs Installation. c1950s CP
MG 014. Bridge Megger & Bridge Meg Test Sets c1950 CP
MLR 016. Illustrations Of Standing waves On Transmission Lines c1950 CP
Long Line Equipment 3. 1950 CP
Telephony 2. (Reissued) 1950 CP

Long Line Equipment 1 (reissued). 1951
Radio 2. 1951 RL
Telephony 3 (Reissued). 1951
MG 200. Pads, Filters & Equalisers. V F Repeaters & Hybrid Coil. 1951 CP
Long Line Equipment 2. (Reissued). 1952
Radio 1 (reissued). 1952
Telephony 4 (Issue 2) 1952 CP
Basic Mathematics For Linemen In Training. 1953 CP
AD 1001. Relays 3000 Type. 1953 CP
J 0001. Dismantling Substation Services. General Dismantling Notes. 1953
I 0011. Installation of Substation Services. Fixing Methods. 1953
I 0004. Installation of Substation Services. Installing Simple Services. 1953
I 0001. Installation of Substation Services. General Installation Notes. 1953 CP
D 0001. Installation of Substation Services. Safety Precautions and Accident Reporting Procedure. 1953 CP
A 4221. 2000 Type Selectors and Relay Sets - Correct Method of Fitting Covers. 1953 CP
S 1010. Soldering and Soldering Tools 1955 CP
T 3010. Terminating, Cable Colour Codes and Soldering. 1955 CP
L 4015. Lacing Forms. 1955 CP
L 4010. Lacing Cables. 1955 CP
J 3010. Jumpering. 1955 CP
G 4010. Wire Strapping and Grading. 1955 CP
F 3015. Supporting and Positioning Forms. 1955 CP
F 3010. Forms and Forming Boards. 1955 CP
C 3010. Stripping and Butting Cables. 1955 CP
A 1001. Relays - Standardisation of Design. 1956 CP
R 1310. Three Channel Carrier Telephone Terminals - Routine Tests. 1957 RL

R 1311. Type C Carrier Telephone Equipment. 1957 RL
R 2515. Routine Test and Adjustment Method Telephone System Type J2. 1957 RL
CO 1336. SOS, SOU Three Channel Telephone Terminal. 1957 RL
P 0010. Restoration of Telegraph, Telephone and Programme Services - Patching Procedures. 1957 RL
C 6111. SE.50 Type Group Selector 200 Outlets Drawing CE.11030. 1958
300 and 400 Series Magneto Telephones. 1958 CP
Applied Electricity 1. 1958 CP
MS 002. Subscribers Installation Notes. 1958 CP
Telephony 1. 1959 CP
TE 0020. Philips Vibration Tester STM.206-20.1959 RL
Telephony 5. 1960 CP
MEA 014 Relay Adjustment Guide. 1960 AH
ETP 0641 Transmission and Reception of Radio Signals. c1960s AH
Technicians In Training First Year. Laboratory Projects. 1961 CP
Applied Electricity 2. 1961 CP RL
Q 0001. Installation of Substation Services. Testing Completed Installations. 1961
Crossbar Switching I. 1961 RL
R 0010. Voice Frequency Telegraph Systems - Routine Tests. 1962 RL
TS.8/12 Connection of Additional Bells to Automatic Telephones. 1963 AH
AD 5001. Relays - High Speed Adjustments. 1963 RL
MP 4520. Maintenance of SE.50 Selectors - Mechanical Parts. 1963 RL
Technicians In Training Second Year. Laboratory Projects. 1964 CP
Crosstalk, Derived Circuits and Loading. 1965
CP 303. Standards of The Australian Television Network. 1965 RL
CP 304. Introduction to Television. 1965 RL
CP 305. Composite Video Signals. 1965 RL
CP 308. Introduction to Pulse Techniques. 1965 RL
CP 309. Basic Pulse Circuits. 1965 RL
CP 005 Introduction to Telecom Engineering Part 1 Basic Theory. 1966
ETP 0166 Transmission Line Characteristics. 1966
CP 321. Characteristics Of RF Transmission Lines. 1966 CP
CP 310. D.C  Restoration and Clamping. 1966 AH
MT 015 Message Switching Systems. 1966 AH
ETP 0529 Layout, Cabling and Test Access for Line Transmission Equipment. 1966 AH
MS 052 Coin Telephone 1. 1967 AH
ETP 0130 Coaxial Line and Supervisory Equipment. 1967 AH

MLR 025. Requirements For Trunk Circuits. 1967 CP
MLR 037. Trunk Testing. 1967 CP
ETP 0120 Transmission Measurements Basic Principles. 1968
ETP 0531 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation. 1968 AH
ETP 0127 Telegraph Distortion. 1968 AH
CP 311. Clipping. 1968 RL
CP 323. The Smith Chart For R.F. Transmission Lines. 1968 RL
CP 601 Introduction to Crossbar Switching – Part 2. 1968 AH
CP 602 Crossbar Circuit Principles. 1968 AH

EPT 0528 Cord Type Lamp Signalling PMBX. 1968 AH
HTG 061. Line Transmission Equipment Applications. 1968 CP
CP 221 Introduction to Broadband Carrier Telephony. 1969
TPH 0540 Semiconductors - Selected Devices and Circuits. 1969
MLR 003. Audio And Video Equipment. 1970 CP
I.4111 (V). Victorian Engineering Instruction Telephone Substation. 1970 CP
ETP 0548 Introduction to Automatic Disturbance Recording Equipment. 1970s AH
ETP 0075 Electric Circuits. 1970
ETP 0072 Electronic Logic Principles 1. 1970 AH
ETP 0073 Electronic Logic Principles 2. 1970 AH
ETP 0667 Programme Level Control. c1970s AH
TPH 0325 Basic Amplifiers (1). 1971
ETC 006 A Brief Introduction to Digital Data Transmission Techniques. 1971
ETP 0294. Transmission Terms (db). 1972 CP
ETP 0119 Introduction to Telegraphy. 1972 AH
ETP 0263 Equipment Components (1) - Line Transmission. 1972
ETP 0147 Equipment Components (2) - Line Transmission. 1972
ETP 0227 Telephone Traffic Flow. 1972
ETP 0035 Semiconductor Devices 1. 1972
ETP 0283 Semiconductor Devices 2. 1972
ETP 0074 Introduction to Electrical Theory. 1972
ETP 0513 Circuit Reading – Telephone Type  8201. 1973 AH
ETP 0512 Radio Broadband Bearer System Principles. 1974
TPH 0171 Electronic Logic Principles 1. 1978
ETP 0856 Electronic Logic Principles 4. 1980
ETP 0364 Electronic Circuit Components. 1980
ETP 0766 Radio Broadband Bearer System Performance. 1981
ETP 0320 Semiconductor Switching Principles. 1982
TPH 0049 LC Linemens Handbook. Tools & Other Aids 1983
TPH 1046 Electronic Transmitter No. 20E. 1984 AH
TPH 1928 Time Division Cross - Connect for the Digital Data Network. 1986 AH
TPH 2281 EP Linemens Handbook. Optical Fibre Cable Operations & Maintenance. 1987

Engineering Instructions

Engineering Instructions tell you what to do assuming you are trained.
E 4301 Operation of the Muirhead Portable Transmitter Type D-601-A used with Research Laboratories F. M. Adapter 1954
A 0015 Labelling & Marking Racks & Equipment 2000 Type. 1955 AH
A 0010 Ropes Knots & Tackles. 1955 AH
E 5310 Bimotional Switch Checks 2000 Type. 1955 AH

A 6010 Small Magneto Exchange Installation. 1955 AH
H 1015 Material Storage & Handling. 1955 AH
M 6010 Locating, Levelling & Fixing Methods. 1955 AH
I 0010 Instruction Sheets. Internal Plant Instruction. 1955 AH
H 1010 Equipment Handling Aids. 1955 AH
F 7010 Main & Intermediate Distribution Frames. 1955 AH
F 3015 Main Bus-Bar System Installation. 1955 AH
P 3010 Power Installation in 2000 Type Equipment Areas. 1955 AH
S 1010 Soldering & Soldering Tools. 1955 AH
M 4221. Bimotional Switch Mechanisms 2000 Type. Lubrication. 1957 CP
I 0002. Installation of Substation Services. Flush Mounting of Sockets for Portable Telephones. 1959 CP
B 1100 Basic Telephone Traffic Theory. 1960
SP 9000. Artificial Respiration. 1960 CP
W 0010. Cable for Substation Installation. 1962
A 1515 Labelling & Marking Racks & Equipment LLE. 1963 AH
T 3010. Terminating & Soldering. 1963 CP
Z 0004. Personal Safety Against Electrical Hazards in Subscribers Premises. 1962
P 3520 A.C. Power Distribution LLE. 1966 AH
B 2000 Relative Levels for Telephone Circuits. 1967
O 2072 National Telephone Network Noise Objectives for Inter-exchange Circuits. 1969
L 1000 Telecommunications Trainees Approved Technical College Courses. 1974 AH
S 1050 2000 Type Equipment Recovery. 1979 AH

Internal Plant Correspondence Course/Training for Eligibility
Arrangement of Lessons for 1975 Course. 1975 AH
Information Sheet 1. 1975 AH
Information for Students. 1975 AH
TO Eligibility Selection Test. Paper 1. 1975 AH
TO Eligibility Selection Test. Paper 2. 1975 AH

Telephone Exchange Building Design
Internal Plant Design. Contents and Index. 1956 AH
Internal Plant Design. Introduction. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Accommodation. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Responsibilities and General Principles for Locating Equipment. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Building Requirements. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Safe Floor Loads. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Widths and Lengths of Exchange Buildings. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Ceiling Heights. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Locating Columns in New Buildings. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Equipment Areas Including Columns. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Exchange Equipment Layouts. 1955 AH
Internal Plant Design. Aisles. 1955 AH

Overseas Publications
Cable Testing 1923
Strowger Switch Advertisement 1935
The Motor Uniselector and High-Speed Relay 1935
Note on Fault Location in Cables 1946
The Post Office Engineers Journal Vol 45 Part 1 April 1952
The Post Office Engineers Journal Vol 45 Part 2 July 1952
The Post Office Engineers Journal Vol 45 Part 3 October 1952
The Post Office Engineers Journal Vol 45 Part 4 January 1953
The Post Office Engineers Journal Vol 46 Part 1 April 1953
The Post Office Engineers Journal Vol 46 Part 2 July 1953
Supplement to The Post Office Engineers Journal Vol 46 Part 2 July 1953 (examination answers)
Uniselector Adjustment Instructions 1954

Last Updated: September 2023